A Journey with BHN Association

2022.1.17 Mon 16:37


It is my pleasure to share my significant encounter to the readers. There are many experiences as I have gone through my daily activities as being part of BHN team. Especially, I have gained not only technical skills but also growing as a person. I have learned many technical skills related to electricity from Japanese staffs. They have taught me willingly whatever I want to know. There were also significant moments especially the designing of the solar system because most of our local staff are not electrical special back ground but we challenge our self and can make it according to the need of the project. On the other hand there were also happy moment and the moment of struggle. I learned how to share my happy moment with others and I learned how to overcome the challenges and solved the problem. The challenges taught me to be patient and how to letting go things which is not helpful for myself.


Karen State, Myanmar: “Field Report” from Mr. Henry, a project staff member.

▶︎ On-site Reports
