Multimedia University students Visited BHN for ICT filed studies

2013.8.6 Tue 16:29



Engineering Society Overseas Research Program


From 20th to 31st May, BHN Association accepted 11 students (plus one lecturer/trip leader) of Engineering Society of Multimedia University (MMU) , Malaysia, who visited Japan for the overseas graduation research program. They came to Japan to study the latest wireless communication technologies in Japan. Their main technological interests were in 3.9G LTE (Long Term Evolution) and NFC (Near Field Communication). They visited many companies, universities and research laboratories which are involved in mobile radio business and technologies.

The students are sophomore or junior of the university and the planning of the program was made by themselves, but the detailed program and the arrangements were made by BHN. Their nationality is mainly Malaysian but there were also students from Nigeria, Jordan, Iran, etc. Therefore, conversation language among the students was commonly English, but Chinese and Malay were also often heard.

In the first part of the program, they started to study the basic mobile communication technologies and the history of Japanese mobile communication services at the University of Electro-Communications, and visited major manufacturers to observe recent communication equipment to get a hands-on experience.

Moreover, they were each given a SUICA card, — an IC card that enables people to take trains all over Japan without buying a ticket each time — and actually used it as the typical example of NFC (Near Field Communication) thereby experiencing its benefits in rush-hour.



In the next phase of the program, they received presentations of the newest technologies in mobile communication and had precious discussions with the factory engineers, through which they understood the trends in mobile communication development from 3G to 4G by way of 3.9G.

In the final part of the program, they visited a radio mobile communication base station site, and saw actual construction and maintenance works. They seemed to be strongly impressed by the large-scale systems and complicated networks.

Since the research institutes, factories and station sites that they visited were located in various places in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, they had to travel every day, but they continued to show vigorous interest in every matter, from which we knew that they are real elites of their countries.

At the closing session, Mr.UEHARA, President of BHN, commended their precious research program and appreciated their enthusiasm in the program, which in turn was responded by many students with speeches of gratitude to BHN and BHN leaders. They are so polite and intelligent that it is certain that they will become leaders in their countries in the future.



Here are some last interesting episodes:

i)    One student got lost in the morning rush-hour train but was safely rescued by the “BHN special search team” within 20 minutes.

ii)   Many gimmick goods were introduced by the BHN leader and they were very much surprised to play with them (Mirage set, 3 dimension transmitter, Dowsing rod, etc.)

iii)  Japanese traditional paperwork ORIGAMI was shown and they learned how to fold a paper and make a flower or an animal. Soon they were able to make a lot of ORIGAMI masterpieces to their enjoyment and souvenirs.

iv)  Mr. Lini(trip leader) sent a thanks message as follows:“We wish to say a thousand thanks (Terima kasih in Malay) to all BHN for arranging such a wonderful trip! We can’t say much except to be very grateful & thankful for everything.”


Yasushi Yoneoka, Counselor



