Donation of Reuse Tablet Devices to Uzbekistan

2022.2.21 Mon 13:34

The Ambassador and Minister of Uzbekistan to Japan visited BHN in October 2021.


Ambassador and Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited BHN
(October 2021)


Explanation of preparations for shipping tablet devices to be donated
(October 2021)


As part of the project led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and Padeco Co. , BHN donates more than 1,400 reuse tablet devices to Tashkent State Technical University and Uzbekistan-Japanese Innovation Center of Youth in Uzbekistan. The Ambassador observed the inspection and verification work on the tablets in person.


Reuse tablets before shipment (December 2021)


Thanks to the support for export/import procedure by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan, a large number of tablet devices arrived safely at the donation site in Uzbekistan at the end of last year as scheduled, without any impact from the Corona disaster, and distribution to the people who had been waiting for them has begun.

On January 28th, a ceremony to commemorate the donation was held online by Padeco Co. More than 360 people, including ambassadors from both countries and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Mr. Kurematsu, Vice President of BHN, gave a speech to express his gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this mission.


Online ceremony to commemorate the donation (January 2022)


Viewed by over 360 people (January 2022).


In February after the ceremony, BHN President Maki honorably received a letter of appreciation from Mr. Abdurakhmonov the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Japan.


Letter of appreciation from the Ambassador of Uzbekistan (February 2022)
(Click or tap to view larger image)


As the ambassador kindly stated in the letter, we hope that this donation will further deepen the friendship between Japan and Uzbekistan, and that these tablets will be effectively used in Uzbekistan to contribute to ICT education for the realization of a DX society in the future.


Project Coordinator Kango Kii

