
Movies of BHN Association

BHN Association Introduction Video_2024
This video provides an overview of the BHN Association and its main activities.
BHN Association Introduction Video_2023
This video provides an overview of the BHN Association and its main activities.
■LCA System Project Video(with subtitle)_Feb 17 2023
This video presents a disaster risk reduction assistance and health and hygiene awareness project in a school and village in Gwa Township, Rakhine State.
■Risk Reduction Project 1 – Hatiya Island
This video was recorded to reduce risk of cyclone. The videotape shows local residents what to do when a cyclone comes.
■Risk Reduction Project 2 – Hatiya Island
BHN carried out a disaster risk reduction project on Hatiya Island, Bangladesh.
A videotape was recorded to show local people what to do when a typhoons comes. The videotape was shown to the students at school. They watched the videotape singing Typhoon Rock-N-Roll to the music.
■Evacuation Drill 2 – after cyclone
At the end of the play, the scene of post-cyclone is performed. The family found that their children were dead and mourned for their dead children.
■Evacuation Drill in Bangladesh, Hatiya
BHN Association is carrying out a risk reduction project through “Community FM Radio” on Hatiya Island, Bangladesh.
This training shows local villagers how to evacuate when a cyclone arrives. The training course was conducted as a short play, in which local villagers took part.

Supports you can do

BHN aims to improve the living conditions and solve social issues by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) to protect the safety and security of people in developing countries and disaster-stricken areas in Japan and overseas. For this reason, we need the kind support and cooperation of many people. BHN offers a wide range of people, of all ages and from all walks of life, the opportunity to contribute their enthusiasm, their strengths, and their accumulated experience in a variety of ways. BHN invites you to participate in BHN activities in a way that suits you.

