Emergency Reliefs

- Examples of past project activities -

Support Project in Sulawesi Indonesia, damaged by Earthquake and Tsunami

Helping victims resume the damaged radio station.
On September 28, 2018, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake with its epicenter in Sulawesi, Indonesia, caused more than 2,000 casualties. We began a project to support the launching and operation of a community radio station to provide a means of conveying information on individuals’ safety and evacuation information to the community.
BHN carried out this project in partnership with the FMYY.
Locally, we received strong support from Karawana Village, from the JRKI, and from the SKP - HAM.
To an area including four villages in Sigi Regency, where 210,000 people were forced to evacuate, we provided the necessary equipment, broadcasting technology, and training for radio broadcasting. We promptly transmitted information contributing to disaster prevention and mitigation through continuous radio broadcasts run by the residents themselves, as well as providing content that promoted amusement and relaxation.
A radio broadcast service area was formed in the area within 5 kilometers of Karawana Village Hall. In the area, we secured a reception clarity level at which radio broadcasts can be heard clearly.
A grand ceremony was held to mark the beginning of this community radio broadcast, which was named in Indonesian as “TUTURA FM.” which means “dialogue”.

Supports you can do

BHN aims to improve the living conditions and solve social issues by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) to protect the safety and security of people in developing countries and disaster-stricken areas in Japan and overseas. For this reason, we need the kind support and cooperation of many people. BHN offers a wide range of people, of all ages and from all walks of life, the opportunity to contribute their enthusiasm, their strengths, and their accumulated experience in a variety of ways. BHN invites you to participate in BHN activities in a way that suits you.

