Disaster risk reduction support and health and hygiene awareness improvement project in Thandwe Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar
2024.4.23 Tue 9:06

Note-1 ; Grant Assistant for Japanese NGO project is a fund which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan provides for economic and social development projects conducted in developing countries and regions by Japanese international NGO.
Profile of project activities are as follows;
(1) Introduction of LCA system:15 LCA systems at 15 schools.
(2) Creating and installing hazard maps: 15 schools.
(3) Development of Disaster Management Centres in DDM Thandwe Branch: An LCA system will be installed in the Disaster Prevention Center of DDM(Note-2) and training facilities will be provided to help improve the disaster risk reduction of the local residents.
Note-2: Department of Disaster Management (DDM), which belongs to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement of Central Government.
(4) Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop for Teachers and Residents.
(5) Raise awareness of health and hygiene: Collaboration with People Health Foundation (PHF), non-profit, public-private partnership, non-governmental organization (NGO) in Myanmar. Kick-off meeting, baseline survey of health hygiene situation, etc., preparation of reports, health and hygiene classes, health and hygiene training sessions, preparation of health and hygiene message book.
(6) Review meetings to invite government officials, disaster management officials, health and hygiene sector officials, etc.

Photo-1 Disaster Management Centre Building, DDM Thandwe Division.
Note-3: Department of Disaster Management (DDM), which belongs to the Ministry of Social Welfare & Relief and Resettlement of the federal government.
‘Postscript’ on the security situation in Rakhine State

Photo-2 Project site Thandwe District (Source: Google Map).

Photo-3 Public information vehicles in the project site in Thandwe District.

Photo-4 Commemorative photo by participants in review meeting debriefing session (Gwa Township).